
May 23, 2022

Parliamentary committees on finance and commerce remain silent

Parliamentary committees on finance and commerce remain silent

Meanwhile, after around five months, the parliamentary standing committee on the finance ministry is holding a meeting today, Monday. However, the present state of the economy is not on the agenda of the meeting. Sources of the parliamentary secretariat said that that the agenda for the meeting includes approving the minutes of the last meeting, scrutinising the ‘payment and settlement systems bill’ and miscellaneous topics. However, if any member of the committee wants, they can raise any issue as a miscellaneous topic.

The parliamentary standing committee on the finance ministry has 10 members including the finance minister. Two of the members are of the opposition, one being Jatiya Party’s Rana Mohammad Sohel and the other BNP’s Harunur Rashid.

Speaking to Prothom Alo over mobile phone on Sunday night, MP Harunur Rashid said, the parliamentary committee should certainly discuss the state of the economy. He said that even though the meeting has been called after five long months, he is unable to join the meeting today, Monday, as he did not receive the notice in time. He said he only received news of the meeting yesterday (Sunday) afternoon. By then he had already left Dhaka and was on the way to his home constituency in Chapainawabganj. He said, till the evening no letter was sent to his office about the meeting. He only heard that the meeting had been summoned basically to discuss a certain bill.

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১২ ম্যাচে নবম হার—আরও তলানিতে গার্দিওলার সিটি

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